"Do you want me to smile, not smile? What do I do with my arms and hands?"
Most people have zero clue what to do in front of the camera. I expect these questions and welcome them. It means we both have an investment in the outcome by questioning the process.
Truth be told for a headshot, you really do not need to do much. However, I want people to feel as comfortable as possible. With that said I am always shooting more than just a headshot.
Crossed arms look great on a thin, tall body type. However men with weight will look like Hulk Hogan, and women will just go wide. ladies, if you do not like your arms, wear long sleeves.
That brings us to the concept of smiling.
Controversial? You wouldn't think. I do not want an over-smile, and I want to avoid mouth tension. There is an in-between smile that I am constantly working toward.
Of course, the eyes are directly related to a smile so if you have tension in your mouth and empty eyes, it will be an OUT-TO-LUNCH look.
A lot of photographers talk about the eye squinch... not squint. A slight Squinch with a mid smile… BAM!.
This conveys so much confidence.
I always have people do a Pinterest board of shots they like and inevitably there will be a cool celebrity doing the eye squinch. David Beckham or Nicole Kidman, great Squinchers.
Practice your squinch, or watch me as I rock mine.