Many people look to me for my face favoring techniques.
Admittedly, I do study faces and features from all sides, often when people do not realize it, even when I don’t have a camera in my hand.
If I was to ask which side are you most photogenic 90% of my male clients would shrug and say, “ I might break your camera.” On the other hand, 70% of the females usually know and 50% of the time it is the left side of the face.
Sometimes my subjects tell me what they want to hide or are sensitive about and this is so helpful. I am also a big YES for glasses plus it gives me great pleasure in the conquest of glass glare.
I can tell you that most people who have a part in their hair like the parted side of their face. In all honesty, I think my clients enjoy my judgy eye. It is unspoken permission as long as I get great results.
So I feel a “lil direct direction” (actually a lot) goes a long way. I am usually trying to be a mirror to my subject showing them what I want them to do. Since I do teach fitness on the side, I think I am pretty good at verbally directing and coaching my clients through this photo process. Finding the jaw, popping the eye sparkle, and lengthening the neck while angling, tilting, and leaning can make anyone feel absolutely ridiculous. Again I try to layer all my coaching so as not to overwhelm.
“You want me to bring my head to the camera like a turtle?”
Now no one wants the gobble (AKA multiple chins) so sometimes I will step up on a stool changing my camera angle as a quick fix or I will have someone lean their weight forward on their hands as if they were holding court or peeking over a cliff.
It feels so weird but do I care? NO. Again, it is all about the outcome. Here's a video sharing some additional thoughts on how to put your best face forward!